How does emu oil relieve eczema?

Here are some of the properties of emu oil that make it beneficial in treating eczema:

1. Emu oil contains Omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids essential for skin health

Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are not produced by the human body, so we need to get it from other sources, such as fish and nuts and seeds. These fatty acids have been shown to improve the skin barrier and reduce allergic reactions.

In 2006, a study showed that taking omega 3, 6 and 9 as a dietary supplement helped to improve the condition of eczema patients after around 8 weeks, with continuous improvement after 16 weeks.

2. Emu oil penetrates deeper into skin to deliver benefits

Our skin is a barrier that shields our bodies from harmful toxins. But, it can also prevent beneficial components from penetrating the skin.

However, a study on the biological activity of emu oil found that the lipids in the oil mimic those of the human skin, making it more effective at penetrating the skin’s surface. Since emu oil can penetrate deeply in the skin, it allows the active components to have an effect on the entire body.

3. Emu oil contains powerful antioxidants to regenerate skin and heal burns

Any eczema sufferer knows that during a flare-up, itchy skin is often accompanied by swelling and inflammation. The common remedy for this is to take ibuprofen obtained from the pharmacy.

However, a study in 2005 showed that emu oil could help reduce inflammation in scalded skin after just 1 day, and promoted wound healing from then on.

4. Emu oil has antibacterial properties

If you scratch your skin raw due to eczema, it can introduce bacteria with can cause a secondary infection, resulting in oozing and weeping. That’s why many patients apply antibacterial cream when they have a flare-up.

Emu oil has similar antibacterial properties, too. 

5. Emu oil reduces red and scaly skin

Eczema is often accompanied by redness of the skin, known as erythema, as well as a rough, scaly skin, known as seborrheic dermatitis.

It was shown that emu oil can significantly reduce red skin, and scales associated with seborrheic dermatitis, and could be a useful alternative for eczema, compared to prescribed creams that may cause long-term harm.

6. Emu oil is an antioxidant

Eczema can age your skin, resulting in dull, sagging and thinner skin. Antioxidants are one way of countering these effects.

Emu oil was found to contain antioxidant such as omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids (oleic, palmitic and linoleic acids), Vitamin A, as well as carotenoids, flavones, polyphenols, tocopherol and phospholipids. A study also suggested that the antioxidants in emu oil had better skin protection properties compared to other avian oils.
